As its name suggests, a circular saw is a motorized hand tool with a toothed blade that can rotate quickly. It is an efficient and adaptable tool that offers straight cuts for many different materials, including masonry, metal, plastic, and wood.

The best circular saws provide straight cuts that can also slant at a precise angle for sheet materials with angled edges. You can also set your circular saw to a preset depth if you only want to cut partially through the material.

Here are some applications for circular saws made even more practical by their advantages of being lightweight and portable:

Slicing large-sized timbers

Cutting huge chunks of timber in a sawmill involves using a circular saw. Given the size of the wood’s surface, a larger circular saw is best for this task. The saw’s radius usually is around three meters, making it perfect for addressing and reducing the size of forest timbers.

Cutting metals

Cod-saw, a type of circular saw, makes cutting metals like bronze, brass, and steel possible. One can accurately cut metals thanks to the size of the tool and the sharp, serrated blade. You can also change circular saw blades depending on the specific use.

Cutting bevels

Usually used to join distinct blocks, a bevel is a slope that can be either vertical or horizontal. The circular saw is perfect for cutting bevels at a 45-degree angle, but it won’t give you a perfectly sloped bevel. Consider using a table saw instead of a router if a perfect bevel is required.

Obtaining straight cuts

Generally, the circular saw is designed to cut things at various angles, especially metals, boards, and lumber. However, if you utilize a blade with more teeth, a circular saw will be your best buddy for cutting 90-degree angles or obtaining straight edges. For situations where cutting accuracy is less of a priority, save the blade with fewer teeth.

A circular saw is what you need if the woodworking you do calls for you to rip through the material; a table saw cannot be used for this purpose. A straight cut is possible without special sawing skills with a circular saw.


Additionally, these saws stand out pretty nicely when it comes to making cross-cuts on pieces of wood. You may adjust the depth and length of the blade’s cut by changing how you hold the saw.

A cross-cutting technique can reduce the length of lengthy boards and lumber. This cutting method preserves the grain’s exceptional quality since it slices the wood along its natural grain. Instead of using a table saw or jigsaw, you’ll get a more efficient cut quickly.

Size-cutting long sheets of plywood

Most woodworking tasks require boards and plywood, whether you’re making a spice rack, a desk, or a shelf. A table saw can be used for this, but power saw specialists advise a circular saw to simplify the job.

To sum up

You can do rip cuts, cross cuts, bevel cuts, and combinations of all three with a circular saw.

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