A home inspection is an A-Z evaluation of a home (house or apartment), performed by a licensed home inspector. He or she will check every corner of the home from top to bottom including electricity, plumbing, the structure of the home, the condition of the roof, etc. Usually, buyers are the ones hiring home inspectors before they close the deal. Then, after a detailed evaluation, a home inspector will provide the homebuyer with a detailed report about the home they are interested in buying.
However, if the home inspection fails, the buyer can either back out of the transaction or renegotiate the price. There are things that fail a home inspection in every home – and that will be our topic of the day. Thus, whether you are a buyer or a seller, keep on reading to see what are the things you should pay attention to the most when it comes to home inspection.
Old and Damaged Roofs
One of the first things all home inspectors check is the condition of the roof. And, no, they do not evaluate it from the street. They climb up and check every shingle. If some of the shingles are broken, curled, brittle, or missing, a home inspection will fail. Moreover, another thing home inspectors will check while they are out there is whether the roof leaks. If it does, that too can lead to a failed home inspection.
However, in some cases, the condition of the roof may be good, but if it hadn’t been replaced for 20 years, you guessed it – that too will be one of the things that fail a home inspection. So, if you are a buyer who has any of these roof issues, it may be your best bet to hire a local roofing contractor. For that, you will need to spare around 10,000$. But, do not worry, a completely new roof will increase the overall value of your home and thus, pay you back your money.
Drainage Issues
Drainage issues can be a big and expensive problem. They are usually caused by surface grading around the house. Drainage issues can cause problems such as leaky basements and first floors, mildew on the windows, mold around the home, etc. If the problem does not get sanitized right away, drainage issues can also cause mushy soil, and thus, foundation damage. And, you do not need us to tell you how severe foundation damages can be. If you have foundation cracks, you will not only have to sell the house quickly but you will also have to call City Movers and move out quickly too. Houses with foundation problems are not safe as they may collapse at any time.
To prevent this from happening you should direct the water coming from gutters and downspouts away from the house as well as add topsoil around the house – this will add extra points to your home evaluation.
Plumbing Problems
Plumbing problems are very common in older homes as well as in poorly-built ones. What can malfunction and thus fail a home inspection range from old and damaged pipes to backed-up sewage systems. Or they can range from defective water heaters to defective faucets and toilets. Of course, small things like leaking faucets and clogged toilets will not fail a home inspection, but all those bigger ones definitely will.
If you live in an older home, it would be a good idea to upgrade your plumbing before you put your home on the market. By investing anywhere from 5,000$ to 10,000$, the overall value of your home will increase by approximately 20%, and thus, you will definitely get your return on profit.
Electricity Problems
Electricity problems are one of the most common problems all home inspectors encounter. Well, you do not have to hire a home inspector to figure out that something is bad with electricity. Usually, electrical wires are sticking out, junction boxes are missing, receptacles are damaged, etc. All of these, as well as many other electrical problems, are a big safety hazard especially in homes where there are children and pets. Moreover, sometimes there will be ‘invisible’ electrical problems too. They mostly appear in homes built between 1965 and 1973! These older homes may have inferior aluminum wiring systems throughout the entire home – something that will definitely fail a home inspection.
If you are planning to buy a home with electrical problems, both us, your home inspector, and your trustworthy professional real estate agent will tell you to postpone moving in until the electricity problems are taken care of. The buyer should call an electrician and have him/her fix and upgrade and the electrical issues first.
Pest Infestation
There is nothing that will send all those potential buyers running through your front door quite like a pest infestation. Maybe you have termites eating away your floors and furniture; maybe you have bed bugs in upholstery; maybe there are mice and rats in the basement and attic; maybe there is a beehive on your porch. These are just some of the pest infestations that can appear in a home, whether old or new. Luckily, home inspectors are trained to identify them. But, sometimes they alone will not be enough. If you suspect that the home you plan on buying (or selling) is infested with pests, the best thing you can do is hire a separate pest inspector or a pest control company.
Take as many precaution steps as necessary! Buying a pest-infested home is no joke. Besides ruining your floors, doors, windows, furniture, etc., pests can also harm your, your children, and your pets. Moreover, if you do find out that the home you already bought is infested with pests – be prepared to move out once again until the trained professionals get rid of them for good.
Meta Description: Wondering what are some of the most common things that fail a home inspection? Wonder no more as we prepared everything you need to know about home inspection problems.